THE NEIGHBORHOODwork/lifework/lifeexperienceexperience
Discover the Bay Area’s best-kept secret: vibrant Uptown Oakland. Find out what a great commute and community look like.Discover the Bay Area’s best-kept secret: vibrant Uptown Oakland. Find out what a great commute and community look like.
be onbe onyour employees’your employees’wavelengthwavelength
Connect your company to Oakland’s deep pool of creative talent and fresh thinking. An Uptown Oakland address positions you where many of your employees are today—and will be tomorrow.Connect your company to Oakland’s deep pool of creative talent and fresh thinking. An Uptown Oakland address positions you where many of your employees are today—and will be tomorrow.
an optimalan optimalcommutecommute
Uptown Oakland earns a 96 Walk Score and is optimal for all types of commuting: walking, biking, driving, ferrying, skateboarding, scooting, riding BART, or taking the AC Transit bus.Uptown Oakland earns a 96 Walk Score and is optimal for all types of commuting: walking, biking, driving, ferrying, skateboarding, scooting, riding BART, or taking the AC Transit bus.
beat thebeat thebridgebridge
Telegraph Tower’s convenient East Bay location helps commuters avoid the Bay Bridge—or reverse-commute it.Telegraph Tower’s convenient East Bay location helps commuters avoid the Bay Bridge—or reverse-commute it.
Telegraph Tower’s convenient Uptown Oakland location helps commuters avoid the Bay Bridge. Or at least reverse-commute it.
- San Francisco – 10-20 min
- Silicon Valley - 1 hr
- North Bay – 45 minutes
- East Bay – 15-25 min
options foroptions forbetter homesbetter homesand better livesand better lives
The East Bay offers the widest variety of cost-effective living options for your employees from single-family homes in charming neighborhoods to urban lofts. Not to mention thousands of new apartments and condos being built right now in Oakland—walking and biking to work will be a real option.The East Bay offers the widest variety of cost-effective living options for your employees from single-family homes in charming neighborhoods to urban lofts. Not to mention thousands of new apartments and condos being built right now in Oakland—walking and biking to work will be a real option.
Over 9,000 new homes will be delivered in the next two years (within 10 minutes of the site)*
data source:
live it uplive it upin uptownin uptown
Telegraph Tower puts you in the center of the East Bay’s dazzling array of artisan and Michelin worthy cultural and culinary adventures. Explore breweries, distilleries, galleries, farmer’s markets, food trucks, street fairs, artisan foods, clubs, and live music. Discover 17 local coffee roasters and over 2000 coffee shops that make Oakland of the the top three coffee cultures in the US.Telegraph Tower puts you in the center of the East Bay’s dazzling array of artisan and Michelin worthy cultural and culinary adventures. Explore breweries, distilleries, galleries, farmer’s markets, food trucks, street fairs, artisan foods, clubs, and live music. Discover 17 local coffee roasters and over 2000 coffee shops that make Oakland of the the top three coffee cultures in the US.
260 days260 daysof sunof sun
The best weather in the Bay Area means you and your family can take advantage of the East Bay’s extensive network of parks, lakes, and beaches; and enjoy every outdoor activity imaginable from kayaking to walking your dog.The best weather in the Bay Area means you and your family can take advantage of the East Bay’s extensive network of parks, lakes, and beaches; and enjoy every outdoor activity imaginable from kayaking to walking your dog.
Walk, jog, bike, swim, picnic, kayak, play, explore, shop, and make new discoveries all year round.
turn diversityturn diversityprograms intoprograms intoa belonginga belongingprogramprogram
Most female tech workers in the Bay Area*
Most ethnically diverse city in the US*
41% of Oakland residents are bilingual**
data source: * | **
at theat thecorner of artcorner of artand cultureand culture
On the first Friday of every month, you’ll find yourself at the center of an art- and community-centered experience like no other: Art Murmur. Featuring the freshest, most authentic Bay Area art, galleries, music, theater and guided tours. Art Murmur brings 30,000 visitors to Uptown every month and Telegraph Tower sits at the corner where it all begins.On the first Friday of every month, you’ll find yourself at the center of an art- and community-centered experience like no other: Art Murmur. Featuring the freshest, most authentic Bay Area art, galleries, music, theater and guided tours. Art Murmur brings 30,000 visitors to Uptown every month and Telegraph Tower sits at the corner where it all begins.
connect with our teamconnect with our team
Christopher Roeder | 415.395.4971
JD Lumpkin | 415.658.3648